Alliance Insights



“Atomic Habits” by James Clear

This series is devoted to dissecting best-selling non-fiction titles, delving into the reasons behind their widespread success. The objective is to analyze unique qualities that make these books rise above the crowd…
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How To Find A Traditional Publisher

Finding a traditional publisher for your manuscript can be exciting and challenging. Especially because traditional publishers are picky about what books they do and don’t accept. However, traditional publishing takes the work…
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Not Everyone Will Like Your Book

Here’s the thing, no matter how good of a book you wrote, with pretty prose, emotionally compelling stories, and life changing information, some people just won’t like it. Even books like “How…
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Publishing Path Comparisons

Traditional vs. Self-Publishing You may be an expert in your industry, but that doesn’t mean you understand the publishing world, or the paths you can take within it. And in truth, there…
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